Category Archives: interview

MDJ Creations Girls Night Out Collection

I was sent MDJ Creations new “ A Night Out” collection to swatch. I’ve actually swatched for MDJ Creations before, and did an interview with Melissa, which you can find here.

Needless to say, I wasn’t a bit surprised that every polish was amazing! Just look at these beauties!

First up is “More than Meets the Eye”. This is a gray crelly full of different glitters and flakies. These all also have silver holo micro bar glitter in them, and I’m in love. This is just two easy coats and My Dream Polish top coat.

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This macro is with a matte top coat.


And some fun art! Be sure to check out my Instagram for full details (@shelseamagan).image

Next is a stunning black jelly-“After Party”. This is one easy coat over a black base (I like my jellies to pop sometimes) and topcoat. How stunning is this polish?!?! I seriously have no words. I love the whole collection, but this one is my favorite for sure. image  image

Here it is with a matte top coat. Equally stunning!image image

Going along with the same theme, we have a light pink/whiteish crelly filled with different glitters, appropriately named “Ladies First”. You can really see those micro bar glitters in the macros. image imageHere is “Ladies First” with a matte top coat. image image

And some art over the matte version of “Ladies First.image

The last polish in the collection is “Unforgettable”, which is a glitterbomb in a clear base. This glitterbomb is also packed with some UCC flakes in it! I would have never thought to combine those, but it is seriously stunning beyond words. I used “Unforgettable” in a jelly sandwich here and added a matte top coat. I love how it turned out. imageimage

Overall, I would classify this collection as girly and unique. I don’t have anything like this collection in my personal stash, and I genuinely love every one of these polishes. I would recommend them to anyone. The formula is also amazing and so so easy to work with! Be sure to check out MDJ Creations on Instagram (@mdjcreations). This collection is available now in her shop!

Interview with an Indie-All Mixed Up Lacquers

L.J. is the head mixologist over at All Mixed Up Lacquers. She’s young and family-oriented. She absolutely loves making polish, and even said that if she wasn’t making polish, she would be wishing she was! It’s clear she has a passion, which I have the utmost respect for. She even wants to become a licensed nail tech!

Shelsea-Tell me a bit about yourself.
L.J.=I’m 26 years old and have 3 kids and 4 older siblings (3 sisters and 1 brother). I was born and raised in a small town on the Florida/Georgia line and fell in love with a Yankee of all things who tells me I “talk funny”.

S- Where did the inspiration for your indie line first come from?
L-Surprisingly it was my husband. He started showing me water marbling videos, then I found the indie polish world. We started looking into it and I became very interested in being able to create something beautiful everyone would want to wear.

S-Where do you pull inspiration from now?
L-Everything or sometimes nothing! Things spill or I will put the wrong glitters together and will love it so much I have to keep it. Collections or polish ideas usually just pop into my head at random times. I will be making breakfast for the kids and all of a sudden it will be like, “OH! What if I try this?”

S-Describe your polish in just 3 words.
L-Universal, Beautiful, Expressive.

S-Favorite/least favorite food
L-Favorite- ribs or cheese ( I really like cheese) Least- sushi

S-Any pets?
L-Dog and cat

S-Favorite movie?
L-Team, Men in Black, Shooter, Sweet Home Alabama (how do you pick just one?!)

S-Favorite polishes from your line?
L-Sky. Sky will always be my favorite polish. It was one of our first polishes to come out. It is a holographic blue and green glitter topper because my favorite color is green and my husbands is blue. Whenever we pick things out we go for those colors together so it seemed there just had to be a polish with those colors. Plus the name is his initials.

You can check her out on Instagram over at @all_mixed_up_lacquers or at Her polishes are fun and affordable!

Interview with an Indie-I Am Custom Color

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Hello all! I feel like I’ve had no time to dedicate to my blog! I just moved and discovered some recent health problems. Hopefully everything will calm down so I can get back to writing!

This interview is long overdue. I recently was lucky enough to work  with Ashlie over at I Am Custom Color. She provided an awesome interview and I’m so excited to share it with you guys!

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Shelsea-Tell me a bit about yourself.
Ashlie-My name is Ashley Jade B. I always thought it was too generic so I changed the spelling to Ashlie Jade. The IE vowel combo in German makes a long E sound. I’ve studied German since Freshman year of high school. I really like Comparative Linguistics and and have had quite a few Language, Humanities, History and Art classes. I I have traveled a little as well and plan to do much more! In fact, Rose and I from Glitter Or Die are going to New Zealand next year to visit our Kiwi Liz AKA IG@Wenchness. I feel like the whole world should know, just saying. Lol. Those are my two best friends, Loves them both to death, No Idea what I would do without them! That and my baby sister rounds out some of my favorite people.

I got a late in life itch to dance and at 17 started taking ballet, and throughout college I danced ballet, modern and jazz. I also taught non-competitive dance for 8 years as well as Gymnastics to ages 2-adult. I finally got fed up with some of the aspects of working for others. I love what I did, teaching my passion for dance to the kiddos, but I am getting older and I needed a little bit more stability and benefits and waaaaaaay less germies! (When you have had someone else’s kid sneeze in your face or lick you, you’ll understand!

S-Where did the inspiration for your indie line first come from?
A=I was dancing a lot from 2009-2011, and to help round out my art training, I took some drawing classes. During that time, I started getting into painting my own nails and doing makeup. I joined a couple beauty sites and became aware of frankening, and then  Indies!!! I started my mainstream polish collection back in 2011. I’ve always enjoyed DIY crafts and body care, and my mom is a cosmetologist so I am a salon rat. Fall 2013, I decided I wanted to start making and selling my own polish. I actually started I A.M…CustomColor Cosmetics earlier than I had intended. I wasn’t really prepared; I just went for it. I watched Blackfish on January 3rd and I was so moved, I knew exactly what I wanted to do! I wanted to start my business and give back by allowing my brand to benefit charities-each month a different Charity! By January 5th, I started IAMCCC and the rest has been history. I did the Rebel4aCause Series last year. Because of you all, we were able to donate to Whale and Dolphin Conservation, World Wildlife Fund, and more; however, I feel like people just really didn’t connect as I had hoped and so that is why this year is ALL about me! Currently, I am doing my Favorite TV Shows and performers (Dancers) and favorite songs. I am actually turning the Dirty Thirty this summer, *GASP* and so I decided to make it all about me, the whole year.

S-What is the biggest struggle in the industry?
A=Marketing and finding a voice. I work full time so it makes it way more difficult to find the time to outreach and make the connections with customers like I used to. Working with people has taught me that some people are nice, some people are mean, and some people are weird. You can send those ones to me! (makes me think of the Dr. Seuss quote, which I can totally respect!)

S-Any pets?
A-Yup! I love animals, ALL Animals! Fun Fact, my favorite primate is a Tarsier ( This is a google image search must!), followed closely by Orangutans! My fur children are a Rescue Boston Terrier: Jah; an adopted Pug: Zoe, AKA Piglet; and a Frenchton: Kaia, AKA Tongue Dog! (Frenchton=Boston Terrier and French Bulldog Mix).

S-Guilty pleasure?
A-Taco Bell, cream Soda, and ginger beer. TB is soooooo disgustingly good, I can’t help it.

S-Embarrassing story?
A-Everyday of my life, does that count? Haha. I am extremely klutzy when not dancing and I am super short so I am usually tripping on my clothes or climbing to reach something. I did recently become notorious in the office for being really jumpy; I think I’ve screamed bloody murder three times now, almost always in the bathroom. People know not to scare me.

As you can tell, Ashlie is a super fun and spunky individual that has a lot to offer the world. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know her; she’s a passionate sweetheart. You can find her on instagram over at @iamcustomcolor. Be sure to check her out!

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Interview with an Indie-MDJ Creations

I just recently started interacting with Melissa, creative guru over at MDJ Creations. She was having a sale, so I bought some polish, and the rest is history. Basically, I love this brand. I love her polish, her customer service, and her positive, upbeat attitude. She’s very down to earth (she hates cleaning toilets and loves cheese fries). Plus, we share a love of holographic nail polish.

Shelsea-Tell me a bit about yourself.
Melissa-Most importantly, I have had an incredible relationship with the Lord for about 11 years, and my identity is caught up in Him. Sometimes we identify ourselves by our work, or spouse, or children, and while I have been utterly blessed with a husband who loves God, myself, and our 3 children; my truest identity is belonging to God’s family through faith in his son, Jesus, where I’m assured of my eternal value & purpose by Him.

S-Where did the inspiration for your indie line first come from?
M-I have an artistic foundation to start with, so when I discovered holographic nail polish on YouTube amidst nail art tutorials, I immediately asked myself, “How can I do this myself AND save money?” Where there’s a will, there’s a way, Lol!

S-Describe your polish in just 3 words.
M-Lively, Captivating, Quality

S-What is your favorite aspect of the industry?
M-The community of like-minded people who show ardent support and appreciation for what we do- it’s more than polish.  So much more.  The greater meaning in it for me is an opportunity to bless someone else each time they enjoy a polish I created, or interact on social media about all things nail art, etc.  It’s beautiful, fun, uplifting and impactful, one mani at a time! (There’s that positive attitude shining through again!)

S-If you weren’t making polish, what would you be doing?
M-Making jewelry.  That was my business platform before indie polish ravished me.   Jewelry making is on hold for a season, but definitely stay a favorite hobby long term.

S-Embarrassing story?
M-I’m someone who has walked in to a glass door in public, thinking it was open space.  In my defense, I was 12… and the glass was VERY clean…

S-Favorite polishes from your line?
M-I have about 60 all time favorites…does that sound like a polish addicts answer? Lol. Many favorites were limited edition, but of what’s in stock, my favorites are the mutichrome flakies & color shifting toppers, such as: Something Volcanic, Something Majestic, Something Aquatic & Serenity), and some glitter toppers: Leg Warmers, Heart Ablaze & Elegance. (My personal favorite is Utopia, but I’m dying to get “Unicorn Trail” on my nails).

You can find MDJ Creations on Etsy. She’s also on Instagram at @mdjcreations. I definitely recommend her!

Interview with an Indie-GotNail Care

gotnailSo, about four months ago, I stumbled across GotNail’s Instagram page, and was blown away by the talent that she had. Of course, I’m going through all her pictures and liking and commenting on them (like I said-she had some amazing manis). The next thing I know, she’s fangirling over me! I couldn’t believe it. She said she had been following me for a while and I was always an inspiration to her, and of course was beyond flattered because she was so very talented. Fast forward four months, and I feel like I’ve known this girl forever! We talk every day, and have so many things in common (a love for polish included). I’m very blessed and lucky to have a long-distance, life-long friend. Anyway, I could talk nice things about her all day, but I’m sure you all will get bored, so let’s get to the good stuff.

Shelsea-Tell me a bit about yourself.
Jaylynn-My name is JayLynn. I’m a recent stay at home mom of 2 beautiful boys (6 and 3). I worked at a bank for 9 years. I currently live in Utah, but was raised in New Mexico. My hubs (Heber) and I have been married for just over 5 years, together over 7. I love my family! I am also a certified Zumba instructor and teach classes 3 nights a week. I am obsessed with all things nails and have been forever. Being able to be at home as really let me re connect with that love! (Side note-her boys seriously are some of the most adorable kids ever!)

S-Where did the inspiration for your indie line first come from?
J-I honestly love making pretty much anything I can. I’m all about homemade. But I find myself saying I wish that oil had blah blah blah…or I wish it smelled like blah blah blah… So I decided to try out cuticle oils. I tested and finally got the perfect base for them.

S-Where do you pull inspiration from now?
J-As a swatcher, I know the need to have well taken care of cuticles, so I work off that. I wanted an oil that was first off Jojoba based and not messy, but also would absorb fairly fast.

S-Describe your products in just 3 words.
J-Moisturizing, yummy, luscious (yes they are!!!)

S-Least favorite household cleaning chore?
J-laundry! I despise it!

S-Guilty pleasure?
J-Soda. I’m obsessed with one that’s called a rip tide. It’s Dr. Pepper, Coconut, and half and half. Sounds weird I know… But it’s delightful. (She’s tried talking me into trying it, but she hasn’t had any luck with that yet haha).

S-One random fact:
J-I had 3 broken arms before I was 3!

She’s also ridiculously adorable to match that super sweet personality of hers. If you aren’t following her yet, she is @gotnail on Instagram, and you can find her cuticle oil products on Etsy.


Interview with an Indie-Eighty 4


I’ve gotten to know Fefe of Eighty4 because I’m so in love with her products. As I’ve gotten to know her, I’m lucky to call her a friend. She’s absolutely hilarious, and has a passion for what she does. She’s smart and always thinking of new ways to innovate and improve. When asked to describe her brand in just three words, she replied with, “visually appealing shit”. She’s been pretty successful, but she’s still very down-to-earth. She hates cleaning her bathroom, loves the movie “Clueless”, and really doesn’t like vegetables. She’s also pretty talented at reciting her ABC’s backwards.

Shelsea-Tell me a bit about yourself.
Fefe-My name is Fefe Duran and I am a stay-at-home nail polish addict. I currently reside in Atlanta, GA but I’ve previously lived in Virginia and Massachusetts. I have an educational background in Web Design and a practical background in Hospitality (Hotel Management).

S-Where did the inspiration from your first indie line come from?
F-I woke up one night, around 3am… I said “Ah-hah… Nail polish!” I did a quick Google Search to see if handmade nail polish could even be done. Once I learned that it was an option, I went back to sleep. I spent the next 3 weeks researching, formulating, etc. Within 2 months, we were doing our first show as a vendor.

S-Where do you pull inspiration from?
F-Everywhere! I mainly just find myself in my mixing lab, just whipping up random things and saying “Yes, that flows!” I also watch a ton of HGTV, read home related magazines and keep up with color trends.

S-What’s the biggest struggle of the industry?
F-I would say use of the same vendors. Many makers use the same suppliers, so we tend to launch identical polishes at the same time. It then boils down to brand loyalty, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

S-So what’s the best part of the industry then?
F-The nail community on social media! Who knew that there were so many nail polish lovers out there? I love it! Being able to see everyone’s creations, swatches, purchases (hauls)… I just love it.

S-Do you have any pets?
F-Yes, Eighty4’s awesome followers are very familiar with him. His name is Poopie, or The Help… He is a sassy but very cute Yorkshire Terrier. He makes guest appearances on our social media accounts. (Might I add, I adore this dog).

S-Favorite polishes from your line?
F-She Did That, C.R.E.A.M., Disco Ball, Young Punk and New Nu

Here’s a picture of Fefe so you can put a face to the polish. Again, check her out on Instagram at @shopeighty4. She’s also on facebook and you can shop online at She’s been so kind to give my followers a discount too-if you use the code “Shelsea”, you can receive 15% off any purchase through the end of January!


Interview with an Indie-Drip Drop Nail Paint

Drip Drop Nail PaintSo…I literally laughed the entire time while reading this interview. Jessica of Drip Drop Nail Paint is so fun, personable, and bubbly, and her warm personality really shines through. When asked to describe Drip Drop in just three words, she chose “glittery, fun, and quality” and I couldn’t agree more. I realized that she and I both have some things in common (other than our clear love of nail polish) so I felt an instant bond. These include her love for pizza, hate for onions, and despising doing the dishes, stating she thinks it is because of her “inner diva”.

Shelsea: Tell me a bit about yourself.
Jessica: My name is Jessica and I’m the creator of Drip Drop Nailpaint. I’ve been painting my nails forever, and one day I stumbled upon Instagram and learned all about hashtags! Wow! Nail art! I became fascinated and inspired so I bought some basic tools and started to experiment with dots and stripes. The further into my hashtag searches I came across #indiepolish…. I bought some. I wasn’t quite sure what I was doing so I decided to try from various brands, and since my measly drugstore polish collection consisted of mostly pinks I decided to stick to what I knew. I bought all pink indies at first. I fell in love!

So, in June of 2013, after some wine and nail painting, I decided that I wanted to make my own indie line. Thinking back, it was a little erratic and spontaneous, but that’s how I roll! My love for nail polish runs deep, so it wasn’t too crazy of an idea. I researched a lot, bought some supplies, and began playing around.

I knew that it might be a slow start because there were already a bunch of indies that were/are well established. I told myself that I would give it a solid year before deciding whether or not it would be worth it to continue. I just celebrated my 1 year anniversary and I don’t have any plans to leave drip drop. I have met some amazing people on this journey, and I look forward to meeting more!

S: What’s the biggest struggle of the industry?
J:The biggest struggle in the industry for me, is staying ahead of the curve. Trying to steer clear of repeated collections. For example: I love the Big Bang theory, and wanted to do a collection but saw that another brand had done one. I opted out. (Btw Jessica-I’m pretty sad about this. I love Big Bang Theory and know you would create an awesome collection).

S: What’s your favorite aspect of the industry?
J: My favorite aspect of the indie industry is that I get to create and socialize and still get to be home with my kids. Painting my nails is part of my job! What’s not to love!?

S: What’s your favorite polish from your line?
J: Favorite polish from my line is “stairway to heaven.” A white crelly with pink and gold glitters.

S: Random Fact:
J: letters are all I use on my labels. There are a few exceptions, but they are few and far between (I had never noticed this!).

I hope you’ve already got some Drip Drops in your collection, but if not, follow her on Instagram at @dripdropnailpaint or @b_jessica_3 (her nailart page).

Interview with an Indie-CDB Lacquer

CDB logoCheyenne, the owner and creative genius behind CDB Lacquer, left a very positive, lasting impression on me. Until recently, I hadn’t had much interaction with her (aside from lusting over her nailart-her nail account is @cdbnails143 and you should DEFINITELY check her out if you want to be inspired and see some amazing work. Just a head’s up, she makes it look incredibly easy, but it’s not). Anyway, she’s been making some LE monthly holos that I have been setting alarms for and snatching up. Customer service has always been wonderful, and she almost always ships the next day. I had (what I thought) was a problem with one of the polishes I bought from her, and she was so sweet! Sometimes, I just assume people that are amazingly talented like that wouldn’t care to hear from others, but she responded so well and EVEN KNEW WHO I WAS ON INSTAGRAM (ok, that was a bit of a fangirl moment haha). Anyway, she was willing and excited to participate in an interview for my blog and I was flattered.

Shelsea-Tell me a bit about yourself.
Cheyenne-My name is Cheyenne, and I’m 28 years old. I have been an artistic person since I was a child and I love every form of art. My other passions include baking and cake decorating as well as reading. My book collection is just as large as my nail polish collection.

S- Where did the inspiration for your indie line first come from?
C-I have been into all things nail-related since I was a young teen. I started out with acrylic nails which eventually led to me doing free hand nail art on them. I came across the Instagram nail community in October 2013 and became even more obsessed with polish. I bought my first indie polish shortly after I joined and the idea of being able to make my own polish sounded like so much fun. I bought my first starter kit, initially to just make polishes for myself, and over time, with the support of my family and friends, I decided to open up my own shop.

S-What is the biggest struggle in the industry?
C-There are a lot of indie polish brands out there, so trying to stay original and releasing a polish that’s not similar to someone else’s becomes very hard. I have spent months coming up with a polish just to find out that someone else has done something very similar and have to start all over again. But in my opinion that’s also what makes it fun though too. Makes me really take the time to think about polish ideas instead of just throwing something together.

S-Tell me an embarrassing story.
C-Hmm, I’d say ruining the surprise of my own engagement. The weekend before Christmas we were shopping at the mall. We walked by the jewelry store and I told him I wanted so and so ring and started getting on him about proposing and come to find out he already had it all planned and ready for Christmas. He ended up having to propose right there on the spot. Was very surprised but definitely felt stupid for getting on him about it! (She married her best friend from high school-so sweet!).

Random Facts about Cheyenne:

-She hates doing the dishes.
-She has 2 furbabies-a 4 year old Boxer English Mastiff named Bella Rose and a 2 year old cat named Loco.
-Her favorite polishes from her line are Oasis and Thankful (both are gorgeous in person!).

Cheyenne is seriously so sweet and humble. If you’ve ever owned a polish of hers, you know you’re buying quality product, and her customer service is on point. She’s a genuinely positive person that loves what she’s doing, and I love supporting people like that! You can find her on Instagram at @cdbnails143 and you can find CDB Lacquer on Instagram at @cdblacquer. Oh, and here’s a selfie of her-isn’t she so cute?!

CDB selfie

Interview With An Indie-Candied Apple Polish

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So I did this interview with Alison of Candied Apple Polish, but I’m fortunate enough to be friends with her, so I’ve added a bit to what she originally said (a perk of writing a blog post about a friend).
Shelsea-Tell me a bit about yourself.
Alison-I am 27 years old. I am married to my high school sweetheart and love animals more than most people I meet . You will always find me making friends with someones cat if I can. (She’s originally from New York, but has been traveling and living all over the country because her husband is in the military).
S-Where did the inspiration for your indie line first come from?
A-When my husband was deployed last year I got into painting my nails and polish. It was really relaxing for me. I then found myself wanting to make polish. I just love the freedom it gives me. I can create any combination I dream up and make such unique things.
S-Where do you pull inspiration from now?
A-Everywhere! It is different for every polish. Sometimes I just start knowing that I want to combine certain colors. Other times I am inspired by an actual place or person and then polish is created from that. Other combinations come to me when I’m out and about or in bed. I am always making notes to try something out when I get a chance.
S-Describe your polish in just 3 words.
A-Colorful, multidimensional, happy

S-What is your favorite aspect of the industry?
A-The wonderful people. I love how so much of the indie nail community is very united and supportive. I have met so many amazing ladies that I am proud to support and call friends. There is something so spectacular about supporting an individual as opposed to a corporation.

And here are some random facts about Alison:
-She hates doing dishes.
-She has cats that she has rescued. She actually takes a lot of pictures and videos of them. She also takes one of them (Niblet) for walks on a leash.
-She loves Thai food.

This is Alison (left) and I about 2 weeks ago after dinner. We will go to dinner and do twin nails because we are nerdy like that haha.

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Interview With An Indie-Fancy Gloss

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I love Fancy Gloss. The brand is seriously one of my favorite indies. The formula is always great and Jackie has good customer service. I’m always so surprised how humble she is considering how successful Fancy Gloss has been. She started out in the medical field, and had no idea that she would end up in the indie polish world. She really enjoys what she does, and says she always has ideas flowing. She’s also a genuinely sweet person, and I definitely enjoyed getting to know her a bit better.

Shelsea:Where did the inspiration for your indie line first come from?
Jackie-I started making polishes for my own use, until one day I made “Golden Swan”. It was such a huge hit so I sold the first 10 bottles and a week later more people started asking me to make more so I did, and then I decided that it was time to begin something.

S- Where do you pull inspiration from now?
J-Out of the blue, sometimes I dream about colors and as soon as I open my eyes I write them down.

S-Describe your polish in just 3 words.
J-fancy (hehe), unique, and refined

S-What is your favorite aspect of the industry?
J-I’m working in my house doing something I love. (She’s the mom to a toddler, so she has the option to make money while being at home with her child).

S-Favorite movie?
J-A Walk to Remember

S-Guilty pleasure?
J-I always eat after midnight.

S-Favorite polishes from your line?
J-Holos: Frozen berries, True Princess and Mermaid Tales
Thermals: Unconditional love, Cool Waters and Koi Fish.

And here’s a picture of Jackie. Isn’t she so pretty?! You can find Jackie on Instagram (@Jackie18g and @fancygloss), and also at

Jackie selfie